As genocide rages on in Gaza, other developments continue to take place in the holy city of Jerusalem. In the Armenian Quarter, a new generation of youth is protecting their community’s presence in Jerusalem, which dates back to the 4th century. Amidst the violence against Armenians by settlers who desire the Armenian Quarter as their own, they continue to remain steadfast, creating a beacon of hope for the Armenian people. A monument commemorating Artsakh is built using the rubble the settlers and Israeli military leave behind. Armenian flags decorate a makeshift tent where activists stay night and day to defend their land. Inside the tent, Yacoub, a young Armenian who is leading the movement, talks of the legacy of genocide against his own people and how Armenians found refuge in Palestine. Reflecting on today’s reality, with the Armenian Quarter at threat of disappearing, he says, “You cannot have Armenia without Jerusalem.” You can support their fight by following @save_the_ArQ_jlm on Instagram.